Dr Nick Hartnell is proud to offer the latest in knee replacement technology – iTotal from Conformis.
Conformis patient conforming knee replacements are designed to match the unique size and shape of each patient’s knee.
Because off-the-shelf implants aren’t designed to your specific anatomy, surgeons often have to compromise on implant fit, rotation, and alignment. These compromises can cause pain or discomfort after surgery and help explain why 1 in 5 patients aren’t satisfied with their knee replacement1.
The Conformis technology offers unique advantages not possible with traditional, off-the-shelf implants:
- Individualized fit that virtually eliminates sizing compromises common with off-the-shelf implants and often associated with pain after surgery
- Design that follows the shape and contour of each patient’s knee, which provides an increased potential for a more natural feeling knee
- Maintenance of the patient’s natural joint lines to avoid instability, which is a common cause of patient dissatisfaction

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1. Bourne, et al; Patient Satisfaction after Total Knee Arthroplasty. Who is Satisfied and Who is Not? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research; 2010, 468: 57-63